The Problem

Globally, 700 Million people are without access to electricity and 80% of them are in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Malawi has one of the lowest electricity rates in the world as only 11% of the population is connected to the national grid. In the rural and semi-urban areas of Malawi, a vast majority of households, schools, businesses and healthcare facilities do not have access to reliable electricity, and most operate without electricity at all.

As a result, more than 15 Million People are losing their chance at a better standard of living, and are losing economic opportunities that could lift them out of poverty.

Our Vision

To be Southern Africa’s largest distributors of solar appliances on Pay-As-You-Go, spanning the areas of Agriculture, Healthcare, Education and Solar for Productive Use.


Our Mission

To end energy poverty in Malawi by making quality solar-powered appliances affordable and accessible to low-income communities.

Theory of Change

Delivering affordable solar appliances to low-income households boosts productivity and income by overcoming the barrier of limited electricity access.

Our Impact is Evident in the numbers

Sales Agents Across Malawi
0 +
People Served
0 +
Raised to Date
$ 0 K+

Users of our Solar Home Systems experience various Economic, Social and Climate benefits


Economic & Social Impact

Access to solar energy for households and businesses in remote and off-grid areas enables them to make savings on energy, increase their productivity by extending productive hours, and benefit from additional hours spent on education at no extra cost.


Climate Action

By switching to solar, our customers contribute to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and the reduction of environmental damage by substituting harmful energy sources (kerosene lamps, candles etc) for a more clean and sustainable alternative (solar).

Users of our Solar Home Systems experience various Economic, Social and Climate benefits

Our work directly contributes to the achievement of SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth and SDG13: Climate Action

Meet The Team

Our team is dedicated to bringing affordable and sustainable energy solutions to communities in need. Together, we are shaping a brighter, more connected future.

martin masiya

Founder & CEO

Peter Njazi

Sales Associate

Meet Our Partners

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